Programmer working
Figure 1: Me

Hi, my name is Bryan. 👋

I'm a problem solver + lifelong learner.

About Me

  • I'm a Software Engineer at Bank of America.
  • I built a trade back-reporting service projected to prevent $550K/year in penalties.
  • I discovered and patched a memory leak that saved $221K/year.
  • I built a real-time chatbot to automate Support operations, saving $273K/year.
  • I built a RESTful API to replace a CSV report service, projected to save $141K/year.
  • I built a real-time dashboard for shipping container tracking, saving $156K/year.
  • I built a food-ordering website for a local restaurant, which increased YoY revenue by 45%.


If you'd like to work together, here's my resume.